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Updated: Nov 6, 2024

Closing out an intense four year ride at the original Bunker HQ with an eye for what´s to come...

PENTAGRAM.STUDIO HQ has shifted to a new location in our most beloved Vienna.  Founded in 2020, the first cavernous dwelling will always stay legendary as it was conceptualized and forged (in hindsight) betwixt unforgettable times - breeding straight-up outrageous creations! 

In our premier incarnation, Pentagram.Studio was an immense undertaking of sumputuous visions and good ol´elbow grease... thats´s clear!   We have amassed plenty of HI-FI data - incandescent... Bloody hot vids, pix and art produced in the infamous PBLHQ!  Stay tuned for new videos and features every upcoming month on our relaunched portal. This new website promises to offer you the best of the best of everything produced by our Founder HECATE ... both in and out of the HQ. Mirroring our physical space -WWW.PENTAGRAM.STUDIO will work as a vessel to transmit a phantasmagoria of offerings, numinous.

Now securely moved into the new abode, with all the accroutrements you have come to expect... We can get back to transmitting our edgey embellishments and extravagant audio/video productions, which bolster our "plans within plans"...

Folding time, knowing FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER. 

As these paths ahead are still being etched into the Guillotine of Time, we promise to cultivate inspired... sumptuous  spaces. Invigorating the lost and forgotten.  The disused, the forelorn find solace by being repurposed and revitilized through our pro-active and sustainable efforts which utilize a strict sense of aesthetic bred out of the appreciation of the fine crafts which have burgeoned this innate sense to collect and galvanize.


Endgoal?! IKEA goes bankrupt after every human realizes that NOTHING needs to be manufactured as disposable commidities. Quality remains True.  Some old pieces need some love and others just need to to be totally repurposed and refashioned.  PENTAGRAM.STUDIO´s collections were set alight by Vienna´s immense cornicopia of fine vintage wares which permeate every corner of this Morbid town.....

Big Hails to all the Flohmarkts! Second hand shops! Carla, the Collectors and the Tauschen! Let´s do our best to open our eyes.... appreciate what you have, and what´s around you.

Always with a vision that you can make it even better! 



Things will fall into place as they will here!

Don´t forget to check out the new SHOP!


Thanks for all of your support all around the world in the past years...We look forward to seeing what the future brings! One can only bet on an absolute onslaught of wickedness!!

Much love ......RACHAEL/HECATE!     

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